
Untouched traditions and crafts

Crafts House in Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka

Craft in the Gemer Region

In the past, no household could do without skilled craftsmen. The inhabitants of the villages were self-sufficient and were helping each other. Many crafts have fallen into oblivion over time, replacing them with modern factories that produce products literally on a treadmill. They lack originality, uniqueness, idea. And it would probably turn out that without the passionate people who still believe that traditional practices and honest handicrafts every craft offers more. They pass on traditions to future generations. Such craftsmen may also be found at Gemer in the village of Krásnohorská Dlhá Lúka, where the Association of Gemer Craftsmen was established and the Crafts House was built. In its premises, you will find a place to present the products of individual craftsmen and also a place where you also may learn individual crafts. Skilled people, who respect the traditions of their ancestors, will share their knowledge with you.

You may also try these crafts in the Craft House:

Corn husking

Corn husking was once widespread, especially in areas with good conditions for growing maize. In this country, it was mainly in southern Slovakia. Products made from dried corn leaves have often been used in the household as utility and decorative items. Mats, bags, children’s baskets, hats, pot mats and even shoes were made from this readily available material. Gradually, the transition was noted from coarse shapes to softer, more aesthetic ones. Colours and various weave patterns were added. Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten about the iconic dolls, popular not just in this country but also abroad. In the past, children used to be playing with dolls, they were simple, less decorated. Today, they are often depicted in artworks from the traditional folk environment, sometimes dressed in traditional costumes, simple or blueprinted fabrics.


Basketry products were commonly used for the storage and transport of various materials and foods. They were an important part of the equipment of every peasant farm, they were also used by craftsmen and merchants, they were also used in urban households. The assortment of basketry products was diverse. They have retained their technical and artistic quality, interesting shapes and imaginative design. The most common of them included baskets of various sizes, shapes, and purposes, made of willow. We may still admire these products today. It is one of the oldest crafts that has survived unchanged to this day.


Under the hands of experienced masters, clay objects were created for practical household needs. They were originally modelled by hand, later using a potter’s wheel or shaping using moulds. Every good housekeeper had a set of earthenware, which, thanks to their availability and considerable fire resistance, were widely used. Today, in addition to clay kitchenware, we may also admire various decorative items decorated with ornaments and coloured glaze. Production has been partially modernised, but hand-clay contact has remained.

More information may be found at:


Also visit:
Granary in Jablonov nad Turňou
The Granary in Jablonov nad Turňou is an original and authentic place where the traditions of Gemer are reflected. Quality ingredients and recipes passed down from generation to generation bringing real gourmet experiences. Enjoy lunch or dinner baked traditionally and slowly in the outer fired brick ovens. In addition, your tasting of local wine and homemade cakes and feasts will be completed.
Pottery in Háj
In the village, you will find an interesting house and also a workshop – a shop with original pottery. Mrs. Amália Holíková installs the soul to clay here, who creates hand-turned or modelled utility ceramics from it on a potter’s wheel. She also creates copies of prehistoric pottery, organises workshops, courses and builds kilns for firing pottery with wood, which she also keeps in her garden. The pottery is open to both casual and pre-announced visitors.
Kaltenecker Brewery in Rožňava
The most prized Slovak brewery in the world offers honest craftsmanship. It produces only from quality raw materials and applying the traditional method. And since it follows the motto: “Life is short for one taste of beer”, it produces the most beer specialties in the country. A unique beer is made of good hops and with a master brewer’s skills.

V Remeselníckom dome si môžete vyskúšať aj tieto remeslá:


Šúpoliarstvo bolo kedysi rozšírené najmä v oblastiach s dobrými podmienkami na pestovanie kukurice. U nás to bolo najmä južné Slovensko. Výrobky zo sušených listov kukurice mnohokrát slúžili v domácnosti ako úžitkové i dekoračné predmety. Z tohto ľahko dostupného materiálu sa vyrábali rohože, tašky, detské koše, klobúky, podložky pod hrnce a dokonca aj obuv. Postupne sa od hrubých tvarov prechádzalo k jemnejším, estetickejším. Pridávali sa farby a rôzne výpletové vzory. Nebojte sa, nezabudli sme ani na ikonické šúpoľové bábiky, populárne nielen u nás, ale aj v zahraničí. V minulosti sa s bábikami hrali deti, boli jednoduché, menej vyzdobené. Dnes sa často zobrazujú pri prácach z tradičného ľudového prostredia, niekedy sa odievajú do krojov, jednoduchých alebo modrotlačových látok.


Košikárske výrobky bežne slúžili na uskladnenie a transport rôznych materiálov a potravín. Boli dôležitou súčasťou vybavenia každého roľníckeho hospodárstva, používali ich aj remeselníci, obchodníci, nechýbali v mestských domácnostiach. Sortiment košikárskych výrobkov bol rozmanitý. Zachovali si technickú i výtvarnú kvalitu, zaujímavé tvary a nápadité vypracovanie. Najrozšírenejšie boli koše rôznej veľkosti, tvaru a určenia, vyrábané z vŕbového prútia. Tieto výrobky môžeme obdivovať ešte aj dnes. Je to jedno z najstarších remesiel, ktoré v nezmenenej forme prežilo až do dnešných dní.


Pod rukami skúsených majstrov vznikali hlinené predmety pre praktické potreby v domácnosti. Pôvodne sa modelovali ručne, neskôr s využitím hrnčiarskeho kruhu či tvarovaním pomocou foriem. Každá správna gazdiná mala súpravu hlineného riadu, ktoré vďaka svojej dostupnosti aj značnej ohňovzdornosti nadobudli široké uplatnenie. Dnes okrem hlineného riadu, môžeme obdivovať aj rôzne dekoračné predmety zdobené ornamentami a farebnou glazúrou. Výroba sa čiastočne modernizovala, no kontakt rúk s hlinou ostáva zachovaný.

Viac informácii nájdete na:



Navštívte aj :
Granárium v Jablonove nad Turňou
Granárium v Jablonove nad Turňou je originálnym a autentickým miestom, kde sa odrážajú tradície Gemeru. Kvalitné suroviny a recepty odovzdávajúce sa z generácie na generáciu prinášajú skutočné gurmánske zážitky. Vychutnajte si obed alebo večeru pečenú tradične a pomaly vo vonkajších pieckach z pálených tehál. K tomu ešte ochutnávka miestneho vínka a domáce koláče a hostina bude zavŕšená.
Hrnčiarstvo v Háji
Priamo v obci nájdete zaujímavý dom a zároveň dielňu – predajňu s originálnymi hrnčiarskymi výrobkami. Hline tu vdychuje dušu pani Amália Holíková, ktorá z nej vytvára ručne točenú alebo modelovanú úžitkovú keramiku na hrnčiarskom kruhu. Venuje sa aj tvorbe kópií pravekej keramiky, organizuje workshopy, kurzy a stavia pece na výpal keramiky drevom, ktoré má aj vo svojej záhrade. Hrnčiarstvo je otvorené pre náhodných i vopred ohlásených návštevníkov.
Pivovar Kaltenecker v Rožňave
Najoceňovanejší Slovenský pivovar vo svete ponúka poctivé remeslo. Vyrába len z kvalitných surovín a tradičnou metódou. A keďže sa riadi heslom: „Život je krátky na jednu chuť piva”, vyrába najviac pivných špeciálov v krajine. Z dobrého chmeľu a s majstrovským kumštom sládka vzniká unikátne pivo.