Zemplínska šírava

2:30 h
37.42 km
213 m
213 m
116 m
116 m
140 m
107 m

Route description

Michalovce - Shopping Mall Zemplín (0.00 km)
Michalovce, Andreja Sládkoviča 6110/5 GPS: 48.759288, 21.915997

You may conveniently park your car in the parking lot at the Mall and go direction NW across the river Laborec along the Vinianska Cesta road. You will go the first 3.5 km along a wide four-lane road. Then turn right to Biela Hora (the White Mountain).

Biela hora (3.80 km)
GPS: 48.778847, 21.949298

By a large billboard at the very beginning of the area of Biela Hora, there is a map of the whole of the surrounding area and the biking routes around. You may schedule a short detour to the Vinianske Jazero lake in the cadastre of Vinné. Continue on the way to the left on the Y road. After 1 km you will join the main road along which you will continue to the village of Vinné.

Pension Dolina (7.90 km)
Vinné GPS: 48.796675, 21.975520

Go 3 km along the main road until turning right to the Zemplínska Šírava lake. Here's a chance to stop over at one of the inns and restaurants and have a snack in the pleasant surroundings of the Zemplínska Šírava lake.

Thermal park Šírava (10.50 km)
Kaluža 780 GPS: 48.802388, 22.002904

Continue along the flanking paths to Zemplínska Šírava. It offers natural bath and the Thermalpark Šírava, which is worth a visit.

Pútnický kostol (Pilgrimage Church) (12.80 km)
Klokočov 139 GPS: 48.809784, 22.028160

The church in Klokočove is a pilgrimage site in a nice area by the water. It is worth having a stop-over, take a delightful view and read more about this site.

Jovsa (18.00 km)
Jovsa GPS: 48.815825, 22.090783

You'll be taken through the village of Kusín to the village of Jovsa, where at the T junction, opposite the Post Office, you may turn right to the village of Zavada.

Hrádza (Dam) (26.00 km)
GPS: 48.789034, 22.061885

Just behind the village of Jovsa, turn right to the dam. You will enjoy this beautiful stretch with the views of the whole Zemplínska Šírava lake and the surrounding forests. At the end of the dam, you may turn right down. The long straight road will take you up to the grocery store in the village of Lúčky.

Michalovce (37.00 km)
Michalovce, Andrea Sládkoviča 6110/5 GPS: 48.759288, 21.915997

When you come to the village of Lúčky from the dam, turn right on the main road. Through the village of Zálužie, you will go to back to Michalovce. Go over the bridge over the Laborec river. Behind the bridge keep right and continue along this road to the crossroads. Turn right here. This path will lead you to the starting point of your route.

Cycle Service
Velobiker - Borko Štefan
+421 56/643 53 33
Moskovská 3497, 071 01 Michalovce
Cyklosport - Kamil Makeľ
+421 56/642 46 08
Osloboditeľov 83, 071 01 Michalovce
PMZ Servis, s.r.o.
+421 57/768 20 15
Komenského 808/29, 069 01 Snina
Information Centers
Tourist Information Centre Michalovce
+421 56/628 14 29
Námestie osloboditeľov 30, 071 01 Michalovce
Tourist Information Centre Sobrance
+421 56/652 22 14
Štefánikova 21, 073 01 Sobrance