Košice - Nižná Myšľa - Skároš

4:00 h
48.82 km
asphalt, reinforced forest path
518 m
511 m
190 m
196 m
435 m
167 m

Route description

Košice (0.00 km)
Rovníková 1459/9, 040 12, GPS: 48.681937, 21.299003

The route can be initiated anywhere by the Hornád river. We suggest to set off from the housing estate of Krásna. Follow the RED SIGNS along the Hornád river to the South. You will leave the city in a while.

Bridge Nižná Myšľa (8.80 km)
GPS: 48.628493, 21.355564

Go around the gravel deposit of Krásna, under the railway bridge still walking along the Hornád river. Get to the bridge over the river by Nižná Myšľa. You will eventually return to this point, but now continue along the RED TRAIL direction Skároš.

Ždaňa (12.50 km)
GPS: 48.602716, 21.346593

You will depart from the Hornád river for a while by the Čanianske Jazerá lakes. Passing them by, you will get to the main road. Go over the bridge in the village of Ždaňa and turn right. Follow the RED SIGNS. Just before the exit of the village, turn right after the bridge. You will go around the farm back to the Hornád river.

Trstené pri Hornáde (18.00 km)
GPS: 48.574227, 21.328507

In the village of Trstené pri Hornáde, turn left by the bridge and go around the football field in the village. Follow the RED SIGNS, they will take you through the village in the direction of Skároš, across the sprawling fields.

Skároš (23.00 km)
GPS: 48.588209, 21.376067

In Skároš, you can make a short detour to the War Memorial. The route then continues along the BLUE SIGNS. Turn right over the bridge across the river to the right and continue through the village to the forest. You will ride uphill through the forest on a concrete road to a rise of 150 metres of altitude.

Vyšná Myšľa (20.50 km)
GPS: 48.636557, 21.382974

After riding, you will quickly arrive in Vyšná Myšľa. You'll be taken through the whole village and turn left before the railway bridge still following the BLUE SIGNS across the fields. A surprise awaited us just before Nižná Myšľa, where there was a fallen concrete panel bridge over the river. But this obstacle is not insurmountable, and the daring ones will pass the shallow river on the bikes, others can take off their shoes and push the bicycle through.

Nižná Myšľa (38.00 km)
GPS: 48.625405, 21.363188

Before Nižná Myšľa you will pass by the archaeological excavations of straw dwellings. In Nižná Myšľa, at the Fire Fighting Station, turn left down the hill to the main road. When the main road turns to the left, go straight to the bridge over the Hornád river. Here you will return to the place where you already have been. Turn right and continue along the Hornád river to Košice.

Košice (48.00 km)
GPS: 48.681937, 21.299003

From Nižná Myšľa you will return along the same route to Košice around the gravel deposit up to the housing estate.

Cycle Service
Mad Biker
+421 55/622 70 20
Roosveltova 6, 040 01 Košice
Jump Sport Mier
+421 55/698 62 31
Galla Centrum, Študentská 1, 040 01 Košice
LBike - Cyklocentrum, s.r.o.
+421 55/625 11 23
Mlynská 19, 040 01 Košice
EXIsport - Ski&Bike service and rental
+421 908 754 754
Opatovská cesta 14, Košice
Information Centers
Tourist Information Centre Košice Tourism
+421 55 699 8558
Hlavná 59, 040 01 Košice
Regional Information Point
Hlavná 48, Košice