Museum Kráľovský Chlmec

The museum in Kráľovský Chlmec is a part of the Cultural center of Medzibodrožie and Použie. The permanent exhibition dedicated to Count Joseph Mailátha presents the Transylvanian heritage branch of the Mailáthovcov, their functions and their impact on the cultural and social development in the region. It also addresses the history and folk culture of Medzibodrožie and Použie. A separate exhibition, located in the basement of the museum, documents the especially rich, centuries old wine tradition in the Kráľovsko-chlmecký region. The royal wine collection is located here. The west wing is home to the scientific study and the museum library. Besides the permanent exhibitions, there are occasional topic-based exhibitions as well.

ulica J. Majlátha 4, Kráľovský Chlmec