Winter activities

Mlynky / Biele vody

Offers to you the well maintained slopes, valued by ski visitors with high expectations. The resort offers also night skiing and maintained cross-country trails. Services - ski, ski rental and sale of sporting equipment, skiing school, skiing kindergarten, ski instructor, offer of refreshment (cafeteria), restaurant. Attractions - ice area for skating, ski-alpinist tours, ice climbing, well maintained cross country trails, alpine and trekking.

Number of people per hour: 1 180
Number of lifts: 2
Number of tracks: 1
Length of tracks (km) 0,45
Elevation above sea level (m): 788 minimum
Elevation above sea level (m): 871 maximum
Number of beginner routes: 1
Length of cross-country trails (km): 28

Mlynky - Biele vody 252, Mlynky
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