Museums and monuments

Mill in Medzeve (STM exhibition)

If you are a fan of handcrafts and history, you don’t want to miss out on the blacksmith workshop in Medzev, which will take your breath away with the authentic atmosphere, it almost feels like the last blacksmith just left this workshop not too long ago. It is a typical water mill, consisting of blacksmith tools that are powered by water energy. Places like this one were very common in Slovakia. According to the Košice Chamber of Commerce, in 1896 there were 109 mills with 198 working fire pits. Blacksmiths from Medzev were considered to be the best out of the whole Austria Hungarian empire in the production of hammers, axes, shovels, sickles and they supplied them all over the country. Mill in Medzev, as a live technical heritage is maintained by the Technical University of Košice.

The national cultural monument Hámor in Medzev will be accessible to the public from January 2, 2025, during the winter months in a slightly restricted mode.

Štóska 141, Medzev
virtual tour