Low Gauge Railway in Remetské Hámre

About 100 years ago the narrow-gauge railways began to shape the history of Vihorlat region. They helped transport in wood from the Carpathian forests, as well as charcoal or ferrous products. They were in operation until the 1970's. The longest track was 43 kilometres long and went from Michalovce through Remetské Hámre to the Sea Eye. There were about 10 000 kilometres of forest narrow-gauge railways. Such a dense network was unparalled anywhere else in the world. In Vihorlat area about 150 kilometres of forest tracks were operated.

The Narrow-Gauge forest railway so called "drevenka" served from the beginning for transport of the gentry to the hunting cottage nearby the lake Sea Eye and later for transport of wood to the sawmill in Remetské Hámre. From 1922 to 1924 the trail was refurbished and extended to Michalovce.

There is an engine locomotive and two railway wagons (klaničák - special waggon for transport of wood).

Remetské Hámre
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