Dobré časy

Dobré Časy (Good Old Times) is a promised land of all beer connoisseurs. The offer of more than 30 kinds of draught beers does not have a pendant in Slovakia. You might ask, do they have 30 taps in there? No way. There are over 50 of them! The standing offer is constantly updated and complements the beer news from around the world. Of course, there are bright, dark, and semi-dark lagers, strawberry or cherry specialties, as well as unpasteurized beers from small Slovak and Czech breweries, as well as beer bastions such as Germany, Belgium, Ireland, or the USA. The great pride of the beer house is also a first-class beef burger with a home-made bun, one of the best in the whole of Košice.

Čajkovského 4, Košice