Have you thought about what you want to achieve in life? How many more places do you want to visit, how many more dishes to taste, how many more hills to climb and crawl under and how many more beds you would like to jump on in your life? For without a good bed it’s hard to travel, and if you want to travel a lot, you have to jump over a plenty of beds. Jumping on a good bed is more than necessary in a good (and bad) trip. The necessity of jumping up before sleeping is real science, unfortunately overshadowed by other sciences.
If you don’t keep your own list of experiences you’d like to check before you die, don’t feel being out. We offer you a list of the best beds at the Edge of the World. Only here will you get enough jumps, or even sleep to your heart’s content. Don’t hesitate to stay easy and safe. Surely you also want to be pampered with a Finnish or Turkish sauna, salt water and a nice massage? No problem. We understand that the body heals faster this way after a day of wandering around the beauty of the Košice region. Spend your nights and days in the pleasant surroundings of modern and historic hotels. Wherever you can jump on the bed, look here and now!

1. Jumping on the bed
Hotel Michael´s Palace, Košice
It all begins as always with Adam. He, without questions, lives in Košice. So stay at Michael´s Palace, a beautiful hotel in the city centre, with convenient parking, huge rooms full of sun, light and amenities. The friendly staff will be happy to show you where they serve a sumptuous breakfast, as well as where St. Elizabeth’s Cathedral, the Steel Arena and the House of Arts are located. Everything is within walking distance and a few minutes away. You’re in the centre. Additionally, there are plenty of pillows, soft cushions and satellite channels. Of course, there’s a desk and a quiet room. So feel free to pop in until dawn, and sleepy-headed, escape to explore further.
Komenského 9, Košice – Staré Mesto, 040 01
+421 948 633 514

2. Picnicking at the oldest hotel
Hotel Bankov, Košice
Someone likes it bitter, another salty. The winner is the one who makes a sweet bed in the bosom of nature, in a place that for centuries has carried the genius locci of our ancestors, mineral wealth and old Kosice people. Such is Bankov and the eponymous hotel, embedded directly into the subalpine forest above the town. Just looking out of the window, you’ll want to build a fire, a white canvas sheet on which you can spread out delicacies from all over the world. A picnic at the hotel can be like that too. Let me tell you, a huge advantage – when the commissary run out, you’ve got a great, stylish restaurant, art-filled corridors, knowledgeable staff and all the pampering you can think of at your fingertips.
Dolný Bankov 2, Košice 040 01
+421 905 470 123

3. Spend the night at the gate to paradise
Hotel Metropol, Spišská Nová Ves
Come on, move on to fulfil your lifelong, or at least lifelong-holiday bucket list plan. It’s still stashed in your pocket, or just sitting on the glass of your cell phone. You can experience a paradise day anywhere, but perhaps most qualified in the Slovak Paradise, which is perfect for it. Paradise appears at any hour of the day or night, but paradise experts say it’s definitely best in the morning, which is why you should keep your eyes peeled. The best one is right at the gate of paradise. In short, so that you don’t miss anything and no one overtakes you. You know. That’s why it’s great if you jump on the beds of hotels in the nearest district town, which is Spišská Nová Ves. Hotel Metropol is right at the gate of paradise and so you will get the greatest assurance of luxury and comfort, before you go to paradise.
Štefánikovo námestie 2, Spišská Nová Ves 052 01
+421 904 777 630

4. Waking up with a glass of wine
Ostrožovič, Tokaj
The land of the world is large and infinite. You wander through it day and night and you have to think carefully about how big a bite you want to taste. You can’t do it all the first time. Being christened by the morning dew, somewhere in a three-man tent, certainly has its charms, but how about trying waking up with sweet nectar in your mouth. The sky in your mouth will immediately behave differently when you moisten it with the luscious drink, Wake up in a big room with a glass of wine. Taste how kings used to get up. This is a privilege you’ll only experience in the Tokaj. “Vinum regum, rex vinorum.”
Nižná 233, Veľká Tŕňa 076 82
+421 908 996 040

5. Rub yourself with chocolate
Thermal park Šírava, Zemplínska šírava
Since the inception of time, the ancestors have been attracted by the hot springs that have pushed their way to the surface of the earth from its depths. They healed their aches and pains, corrected their health, and those who had time enjoyed the gifts of thermal water. They pampered themselves until the spring dried up or until someone locked it up with their infinite greed. Fortunately, even today the beneficial effects of hot water are pushing their way to the surface. And as science marches forward by leaps and bounds, a good home will take care of your shell, too. Just like on the wide Šírava, where just before you get into the duvet, they’ll rub you down with chocolate. Spoil yourself and know that it’s not just like that. Chocolate lowers blood pressure, heart attack risk, regulates cholesterol, and also inhibits blood clots. Additionally, it is an expression of love, care and gratitude. We’ll leave it up to you which tub you scoop into and what kind of dream you have after such a treatment.
Kaluža 656, Kaluža 072 36
+421 940 600 944

6. Cool off in the herb tub
Pod Guglom guesthouse, Mlynky
From Paradise to paradise and straight to the crossroads of experience. Continuing to fill your vital bucket list of experiences and overnights is in your hands. Both summer and winter paradise will please both mind and body. The ambiance of the surroundings will engulf the whole person and carry them away into silence. You’ll dream of everything you’ve seen: nature, an ice cave, a dam feeding wild rivers and a holiday that never ends. So jump into the pink for tomorrow’s grand finale. Walk more and more kilometres, knowing that after that you’ll leave it up to the staff at the guesthouse. They’ll put you in the herbal tub and you’ll relax with the scented oils or walk barefoot on the massage trail in privacy with no contact with other guests – no contact with the world. Just you and your loved ones. Just you and heaven on earth. Relax, because in the morning you’ll find more beautiful sights or UNESCO monuments waiting for you.
Prostredný Hámor 889, Mlynky 053 76
+421 903 016 865